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PGI Joins VDI’s Highly Acclaimed Surveillance Detection Course


PGI is excited to announce that Bill Peeler will join Vehicle Dynamics Institute to deliver VDI’s highly acclaimed Surveillance Detection Course for the Solo Practitioner and Security Driver. Under the leadership of Joe Autera, Vehicle Dynamics Institute has been at the forefront of security training providing popular and relevant training courses to multinational companies and security practitioners for years – a true leader in the protection training industry. Bill Peeler is the Founder & CEO of Peeler Group International, a leading global provider of secure transportation and related protection services to multinational corporations, family offices, and non-governmental organizations.  A former law [...]

PGI Joins VDI’s Highly Acclaimed Surveillance Detection Course2021-06-05T02:34:55+00:00

Effective De-escalation Tips


At times our culture can seem confrontational from all perspectives. How we respond to a situation will dictate our continued course to aggression or the calling of a truce to move in our different directions. A ceasefire does not necessitate an understanding but provides a parting of ways to avoid a harmful confrontation. Like our attitude, what happens accounts for 10% of the situation, and your response accounts for the remaining 90%. (Your Attitude is 10% of What Happens and 90% How You React - unknown) When de-escalating a situation, we need to create a gap between the two opposing [...]

Effective De-escalation Tips2021-01-02T06:33:20+00:00