Project Description

PAAD Yourself from Violence

In cooperation with our partnered company, Peeler Group International, Synergistic Protection Training has developed an innovative approach to training individuals and organizations to mitigate violent incidents. 

Our program, entitled PAAD, Prevent, Avoid, Alert, and Defend, provides an in-depth approach to preventing an active violence situation from occurring.

Predictive Behavior Training is one of the critical components of the prevention portion of our PAAD Program. Synergistic Protection Training provides several courses focused on observed behaviors of a person on the path to violence.

Through over thirty years of real-world experience and learned knowledge in mitigating violent threats, Bill Peeler has developed a violence prevention program that identifies and disrupts a person’s intent to commit a violent act.

PAAD provides corporate security officers, law enforcement, campus police, school resource officers, student leaders, human resource management, and mental health professionals a standard language and structure to identify, track and respond appropriately when precursor behaviors arise.

Scalable Knowledge-Based & Practical Training

  • Group & Organizational Classes – Group and Organization Wide Courses are Available
  • Individual Classes – We Offer Courses to Individuals Enrolled Students
  • Distant Learning – Instructor Lead Distant Learning
  • Customized Courses – Customized Courses Are Available
  • Continued Training – Continued Educational and Practical Training Available Through The PAAD Program

The response time to active violence situations by law enforcement continues to improve; however, “response” is not the solution – prevention is the key to saving lives. Learn how you may prevent someone from committing violence in the early stages.

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Up To Date Curriculum

Nullam faucibus purus est, ac maximus massa pharetra posuere. Sed porttitor quam eget odio rhoncus, quis commodo erat commodo. Vivamus velit elit, finibus non lectus sed, blandit ultrices dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In et metus eget nibh interdum mattis. Pellentesque leo massa, posuere vitae mauris a, iaculis dapibus ligula. Nunc in orci id felis eleifend vestibulum. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.

Fusce nec elit ut lorem tristique consectetur et at metus. Aliquam eros mauris, aliquet nec urna consectetur, condimentum ultricies nunc. Nam tincidunt est ac ante elementum tincidunt. Phasellus nisi orci, tristique eu blandit eu, lobortis vitae velit. Nullam cursus arcu eget placerat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.

At the completion and passing the assessment of this Course’s first day, each participant will receive a certificate as an Aggression First Observer. Trained to identify and report Aggressive Behavior Aggression First Observers use scientifically validated objective, measurable observables that do not violate HIPAA, FERPA, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Aggression First Observers’ receive the nationally recognized Aggression First Observers’ Certification.

Students will become Certified Aggression Managers (CAM) by learning the following:

How to apply our scientifically-validated Critical Aggression Prevention System (CAPS) that enables its user to evaluate behavior that is “aggressive,” (i.e., destructive, negative behavior, threatening), which is on the path to violence.

How to use CAPS to determine the level of aggression the individual is and thereby the presumption of threat (Low, Moderate, High)!

Use objective measures to apply CAPS’s Objective Measurable Observables in real-time; offer the Certified Aggression Manager the precursors to someone on the path to violence.

Learn how CAPS uses only “aggressive behavior” in its assessment. How CAPS does not contravene HIPAA or privacy regulations. Certified Aggression Managers can, therefore, record and track this “aggressive behavior” with virtual impunity.

Certified Aggression Managers will learn how CAPS provides a scalable system that achieves Evidence-based Best Practices.

Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.

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Customized For Quick Learning

Nullam faucibus purus est, ac maximus massa pharetra posuere. Sed porttitor quam eget odio rhoncus, quis commodo erat commodo. Vivamus velit elit, finibus non lectus sed, blandit ultrices dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In et metus eget nibh interdum mattis. Pellentesque leo massa, posuere vitae mauris a, iaculis dapibus ligula. Nunc in orci id felis eleifend vestibulum. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.

First Observer Participants

  • Observe and communicate based on learned behavior
  • Evaluate and report information to the trained Aggression Manager Objectively assess the level of hostile intent and therefore the threat posed by the declared observables through the use of the Meter of Emerging Aggression 
  • Aggression First Observers will report the objective, measurable observables to their Certified Aggression Managers. 

Aggression Managers

  • Evaluate the objective, measurable observables made available by the trained Aggression First Observers
  • Objectively assess the level of hostile intent and therefore the threat posed by the declared observables through the use of the Meter of Emerging Aggression
  • Decide what action(s), if any, is to be taken
  • Approach the perceived potential aggressor using established and tested methodologies
  • Engage this aggressor with all needed resources
  • Foreseeing an aggressor’s Moment of Commitment, thereby providing an opportunity to prevent a violent incident
  • Record and track aggressive behavior over time
Certified Aggression Manager Certification Aggression First Observer Certification
Course Introduction and Orientation Course Introduction and Orientation
Traditional Understanding of Aggression Traditional Understanding of Aggression
Introduction to Emerging Aggression and Exposing the Illusions Introduction to Emerging Aggression and Exposing the Illusions
The Making of Certified Aggression Managers The Making of Certified Aggression Managers
Understanding Primal Aggression Understanding Primal Aggression
Understanding Cognitive Aggression Understanding Cognitive Aggression
Learning the Meter of Emerging Aggression Learning the Meter of Emerging Aggression
Building a Foundation for Communication with an Aggressor
Pacing the Aggressor, Verbal Persuasion
Non-Verbal Pacing of an Aggressor
The Unmagnificent Seven
The Meter of Emerging Aggression and Incident Reporting
Test, Evaluations, and Close
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Industry Leading Skills

Nullam faucibus purus est, ac maximus massa pharetra posuere. Sed porttitor quam eget odio rhoncus, quis commodo erat commodo. Vivamus velit elit, finibus non lectus sed, blandit ultrices dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In et metus eget nibh interdum mattis. Pellentesque leo massa, posuere vitae mauris a, iaculis dapibus ligula. Nunc in orci id felis eleifend vestibulum. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.

Fusce nec elit ut lorem tristique consectetur et at metus. Aliquam eros mauris, aliquet nec urna consectetur, condimentum ultricies nunc. Nam tincidunt est ac ante elementum tincidunt. Phasellus nisi orci, tristique eu blandit eu, lobortis vitae velit. Nullam cursus arcu eget placerat lacinia. Nulla facilisi. Donec elementum varius turpis quis posuere.

Build Your Future With Avada Education

Suspendisse sapien mauris, consequat nec pellentesque at, pharetra feugiat tortor. Donec lobortis lacinia mauris, luctus scelerisque ligula semper eu. Donec dictum et elit porttitor tincidunt. Duis leo nibh, accumsan vitae nibh id, mollis convallis nisl. Mauris varius cursus lorem at eleifend. Phasellus imperdiet, libero vel consectetur aliquam, justo massa feugiat dolor, id blandit nibh elit eget tortor. Sed lorem ipsum, rhoncus quis congue in, tristique id erat. Nunc ac congue mi. Curabitur ante ex, posuere quis tellus quis, convallis scelerisque dolor. Integer eu purus ut augue consectetur aliquet. Aliquam eu tortor gravida, elementum.

Nullam venenatis justo a porta faucibus. Sed accumsan nisl eget ligula iaculis tristique. Nulla eget bibendum neque. Duis eu rutrum augue. Sed quis feugiat felis. Curabitur non ornare urna, vel congue mauris. Nam tincidunt mattis ligula, non pharetra turpis posuere a. Nulla aliquet vitae quam vitae commodo. Cras ut metus nibh. Suspendisse congue velit dui, quis dictum tortor tincidunt. Aliquam vestibulum, quam nec elementum cursus, justo purus varius nisl, iaculis mattis lectus enim quis augue.

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BILL PEELERBehavioral Instructor
Bill Peeler is a Certified CAPS instructor authorized to provide training to Certified Aggression Managers and First Responders.

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